Refund Policy
When you purchase and download one of our skins we cannot offer a refund. This is due to the nature of digital downloads. If you have not downloaded the skin and wish for a refund we can issue you the money since you have not actually received the file.
By downloading the skin file you agree to our terms of service which are defined below.
Terms of Service
To protect the integrity of PC Sense and its products when you purchase and download a skin from pcsense.net you agree to:
- Not share the skin file with others. Sharing photos of your setup is encouraged but please link to this site if you want to share.
- Not alter then attempt to sell the skin as your original work
- Not resell the skin on a website, forum, discord etc.
- Not slander or intend harm to pcsense.net for competitive advantage, profit or other reasons. (Honest Reviews are welcome – help us improve!)
Once you have downloaded a skin and determined you meant to choose a different resolution we can exchange a skin only of the same family, color. To request an exchange use the request form.
From time to time PC Sense offers sales on skins for a limited time. The same rules apply to sale items as they do for full priced items. Once downloaded your sale is final.
Need help?
Contact us at info@pcsense.net for questions related to refunds and returns.